Ahsan Nas |
Minute rate to Mobinil is 20 pt. Minute rate to other networks and landlines is 30 pt. Have 150 free daily minutes to 4 selected Mobinil numbers to be used between 12 AM to 6 PM after you make 3 charged minutes(minmun charge 60 pts) during these 18 hours. Call 442 to choose your 4 numbers for free the first time, changing one number costs 1 LE and for 1 time per week.
Calling 4 Mobinil numbers during day time 2.5 hours for cost of 60 pt.
You can modify your 4 numbers once per week
New customers can activate an ALO line on "Ahsan Nas" plan by calling 445. Existing prepaid customers can migrate to "Ahsan Nas" plan for 3 LE by calling 442.